
úterý 18. března 2014

Manibus date lilia plenis

Recently i started a new job, one that I have no experience in, so my last weeks were filled with learning and keeping my head from exploding and no blogging time :( Today I had a little time to draw my idea for a future tattoo - I was pushed to do it, because there is a competition from my favorite tattoo artist for a free tattoo :) 

If you want to vote for me (by liking) you can do so HERE ... thanks ;) 

úterý 4. března 2014

Dance machine

I made this vest as a part of my friend's dance costume for the dance group she is in -  The Lady's cruel dance machine :D :D :D I sewed the vest and the lining which almost caused my sewing machine to die :( also all the studding and epaulettes. I really love them and I plan to buy some cheap leather jacket for spring and add crazy epaulettes (how awesome is that word :D :D :D ) ...