
pondělí 20. května 2013


V sobotu jsem se zúčastnila výtvarného kurzu u nás :) dostali jsme plátno a měli malovat co jsme chtěli (to je vždycky nejhorší, volné téma :D ) pod vedením břeclavských umělců, btw i mé učitelky výtvarky :) já jsem původně chtěla malovat kytky pro mamku do ložnice.. ale vypadaly hrozně už od začátku :D tak jsem si položila plátno na zem a jenom jsem si hrála... :D vždycky jsem chtěla být jako Pollock ....

On Saturday I went to an art workshop in my town. We got canvases and the task was to paint anything (for me that's always the most difficult). We were led by my hometown's artists, one of them being my secondary school art teacher :) Originally I intended to paint flowers for my mom's bedroom, but they looked terrible since the beginning... so I layed the canvas on the floor and started playing around :) I always wanted to be like Pollock...

I had fun creating this, even though my goal was to try and improve my brush painting and color blending... instead I used a spatula to drop the paint and then create those lines of sort... but the goal of trying something new and going out of my box was filled :) and in the end, I'm quite happy with it...

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